al-Bashir to the ICC, Ahmed Haroun to the ICC

al-Bashir to the ICC, Ahmed Haroun to the ICC

Last Friday, Sudanese diaspora, representing the millions of innocent civilians being attacked in Sudan, stood in front of the United Nations and the building housing the Sudanese Mission to the UN and chanted “al-Bashir to the ICC, Ahmed Haroun to the ICC,” over and over.

It was a powerful moment of togetherness. As indicted President al-Bashir continues his campaign of ethnic cleansing in Blue Nile, South Kordafon, and Nuba Mountains, and as he continues his attacks in Darfur, the marginalized groups are coming together to form a united network for peace, protection, and justice for all Sudanese.

As the chants from the crowd roared louder, one man lit his al-Bashir and Haroun wanted poster on fire. From one burning poster, another man lit his, then a woman hers, and then more. Piles of wanted posters burned in front of the Sudanese Mission.

Leaders asked, “What do we want?” and the crowd representing all the marginalized peoples of Sudan replied: “Justice!” 

“When do we want it?” 


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