Where Are They Now?: Bosco Ntaganda

Where Are They Now?: Bosco Ntaganda

Young Bosco Ntaganda may have once fought on the right side of the fight, having been a member of the Rwandan Patriotic Army that fought against the genocidal Rwanda regime in 1994. Bosco must love the fight more than the cause, because all he has done since is cut a warpath of violence through the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Shortly after his stint in the Rwandan army, Bosco joined the Union of Congolese Patriots. Under his lead, UPC made a name for themselves by imprisoning, torturing, and murdering the opposition. Bosco has since moved on to act as a general in the Congolese Army, and earned the nickname “The Terminator.” (We can only imagine why.) The International Criminal Court took note of Bosco’s ambitions in 2006, awarding him an arrest warrant for building an army of child soldiers.

Where is Bosco Ntaganda today? Coming and going as he pleases in DRC – enjoying fine dining, silencing his critics with a reign of blood and terror, and snubbing the ICC’s recognition of his ‘achievements.’ The Democratic Republic of Congo has snubbed the ICC as well. ICC Chief Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo says there is “no excuse” for Bosco not having been arrested.

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