Where Are They Now?: Abdullah Senussi
Let’s travel back to Libya for a moment. Back to Libya in early 2011. Back before the dictator was dead – or even ousted. Before his son Saif was on the run. Back in those days there was a coup – and after that coup, there were three little indictments.
And one for Abdullah Senussi.
Don’t let the name fool you: Senussi was the late dictator’s brother-in-law. Word on the street is that he was the head of military intelligence. Granted, word on the street also had Senussi dead on more than one occasion. What is certain is that the International Criminal Court has indicted Abdullah Senussi for crimes against humanity for his role in the Libyan civil war.
Where is Senussi now? On the run with his fellow wanted criminal Saif Gaddafi. The two are both widely believed to be in Niger, hiding out to avoid prosecution or death. Senussi huffed and he puffed, but his house has been blown down. May we humbly suggest relocating to The Hague?