Archive for the “Sudan” Category


If the international community won’t bring him to justice, perhaps his own citizens will.  Throughout his 23 year-long stranglehold on Sudan, Omar al-Bashir has seen insurrections in the country’s South, East, and West, responding to each with criminal levels of violence.  Now the North is taking its chances, walking the fine line between disobedience and […]

Fabricating an Emergency

This past weekend, Sudan detained a South Sudanese national and three other foreigners under a false accusation of espionage.  This incident and a growing list of skirmishes along the border have culminated in Omar al-Bashir declaring a state of emergency for his country’s frontier regions.  Such a decree will suspend the constitution throughout the states […]

Insects and liberation

Not even a year since its birth, South Sudan is now inching ever closer towards war with the North.   Since last weekend’s confrontation at the Heglig oil fields, the African Union has been scrambling to assemble any negotiation or peace deal it can muster.  South Sudanese president and SPLM chairman, Salva Kiir, has cancelled a […]

Free Clooney, Arrest Bashir.

Recently, Sudan activist and actor, George Clooney, was arrested at the Sudanese Embassy in Washington D.C. for trespassing on what is officially Sudanese territory.  He was, with other activists and Congressman McGovern, protesting the Government of Sudan’s attacks on innocent civilians by bombing, shooting, raping, and starving them — in Sudanese territory, the Nuba Mountains […]

ICC Issues Another Warrant in Darfur Conflict

Add another to the tally board. As we anticipated in an earlier post, the hot ticket out of ICC this week is for none other than one Abdel Rahim Muhammed Hussein (no relation to that other Hussein) of Sudan. Hussein is charged on counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his work in the […]

Today You’re Three!

March 4 marks the third birthday of Omar al-Bashir’s original International Criminal Court indictment, charging him on multiple counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity. (The genocide charges came a little later.) If indictments were children, Bashir’s would be able to: Speak in complete sentences Walk Count to 10 Play nicely with others Ride […]

Gambari Hearts Bashir

Send a love note of your own to the United Nations: Don’t Break Our Hearts by Cozying Up To Bashir!

Sudan defense minister next in line for ICC

It looks like Sudan’s Defense Minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein will soon be joining the ranks of ICC fugitives: “The prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC) will soon request an arrest warrant for Sudanese defence minister, Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein, the website of Al-Arabiya TV reported. This will be the fourth case by the Hague-based tribunal on Darfur […]

Where Are They Now?: Ali Kushayb

If ‘janjaweed’ translates to “devils on horseback,’ and Ali Kushayb is their leader – well what was that mom said? If you can’t say anything nice? Scratch that, let’s say it: Kushyab is the reaper. Ali Kushayb was provided with weapons and money by Ahmad Haroun in 2003 to lead the janjaweed to torture, rape, […]

Where Are They Now?: Ahmed Haroun

Ahmed Haroun was, at one point, officially titled “Minister of State for Humanitarian Affairs” in Sudan. Need that one more time? Minister of State for Humanitarian Affairs. Haroun is one of Bashir’s cronies, and one of the key players in the Janjaweed militia. The International Criminal Court has indicted Haroun for crimes against humanity and […]

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