

With a 40 year-stranglehold over Libya, Muammar Gaddafi would not prove to be as conciliatory amid the Arab Spring as his counterparts in Tunisia and Egypt.  Military capitulation may have led to Mubarak’s ouster, but it would certainly not be the case here.  The regime pursued a swift police crackdown, hoping to dispel the protests as President Bouteflika had done in Algeria.  The result was a prolonged descent into civil war, with Libya perfectly divided between east and west.  The former became the territory of the rebel movement, after its capture of Benghazi provided a stronghold for the cause.

Fighting lasted for eight months, many of which were plagued by stalemates along the stretches of coastal highway that connected the ports of Ajdabiya, Brega, and Ras Lanuf.  The city of Misrata was home to excessive use of violence by the military against civilians, and as a rebel pocket within loyalist territory, was cut off from assistance for months.

By summertime, the violence had reached a point which NATO could no longer ignore.  Setting a precedent for the Arab Spring, the alliance began enforcing a no-fly zone and providing assistance to the rebels, known as the National Transition Council (NTC).  Although this intervention was game changing, a few more month of zero-sum offensives passed before in autumn, anti-Gaddafi forces made extraordinary gains.  As of October 1st, they were within striking distance of the capital.

Tripoli’s capture was followed by the death of Muammar Gaddafi and the capture of his son and successor, Saif al-Islam.  The crimes perpetrated by their regime during the fighting are vast, including the use of human shields as a military tactic and hiring snipers to prey on by standers.  The ICC issued warrants for these two and intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi, who is now in captivity as well.


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