Posts Tagged “crimes against humanity”

Denial of Crimes Against Humanity

It is widely accepted that there are eight stages to an act of genocide. Contrary to popular belief, mass murder occurs during the seventh stage of this process (although loss of life is common throughout the previous stages), with the first six being classification, symbolisation, dehumanisation, organisation, polarisation and preparation. The eighth stage of genocide […]

Defined: Crimes Against Humanity

‘Crimes against humanity’ is one of the terms that falls under the umbrella of “mass atrocity.” While this term seems to be so vague it could incorporate just about any crime committed against another person, there is a specific legal definition of the term.

Defined: Indicted

Indicted is more than accused, but less than convicted. Anyone can make an accusation. “Omar al-Bashir is a jerk!” is an accusation – but he’s not indicted for being a jerk. An indictment is a formal legal proceeding which must show sufficient evidence that the accused committed the crimes in question. Typically it is a presentation before a grand jury. The accused is not usually present.

Ivory Coast’s Gbagbo checks in at the Hague

Former President of Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo, has traded the haven of his house for a cot at the Hague. Gbagbo is charged with four counts of crimes against humanity: murder, sexual violence, persecution, and other inhuman acts. Over 3,000 people died last year in the violence that erupted after last year’s elections. Human Rights Watch […]

Where Are They Now?: Ahmed Haroun

Ahmed Haroun was, at one point, officially titled “Minister of State for Humanitarian Affairs” in Sudan. Need that one more time? Minister of State for Humanitarian Affairs. Haroun is one of Bashir’s cronies, and one of the key players in the Janjaweed militia. The International Criminal Court has indicted Haroun for crimes against humanity and […]

Peace Begins with Justice

“Justice.  Without justice there is no peace.  If you start with justice, peace follows.  Then we can go home.” -Darfuri Refugee Years ago, I worked as a counselor for families with heavy behavior problems that had entered “the system” because of some form of child abuse.  The parents always thought that it would be my […]

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Welcome to End Impunity. A campaign to stop mass atrocities going unpunished, seek prosecution of the perpetrators, restore dignity to the victims, and provide healing to the affected communities.