Where Are They Now?: Okot Odhiambo

Where Are They Now?: Okot Odhiambo

End Impunity’s “Where Are They Now?” series is almost at a close. Let’s end at the beginning, with some of the first indictments ever issued by the ICC in 2005 for five members of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda.

We’ve discussed their leader, Joseph Kony – but Kony has cronies. One of them is Otok Odhiambo.

It should come as no surprise that Odhiambo is formally accused of murder, rape, and forced enslavement of child soldiers. These activities are the wind beneath the LRA’s wings, as no other motivation for their warpath is known to exist. Odhiambo has “killed the most” according to popular belief. Well, hey – it must be cold there in Kony’s shadow. A bloodthirsty guy’s gotta do what he’s gotta do to make the world notice him.

Where is Odhiambo now? Over the years, rumors have circulated that he was dead – perhaps even at Kony’s hand – or about to surrender. None of these have ever come to pass. His whereabouts are unknown, but one thing is certain: he has not been arrested and turned over to the ICC. Odhiambo is likely moving about central Africa.

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