Archive for the “Rwanda” Category

United States protecting criminals

It is no secret that the Kagame administration in Rwanda has a vested interest in the Congolese rebellion across its border.  There is no concern that the fighting will spill over into Rwandan territory, but rather, the success of Bosco “the Terminator” Ntaganda’s renegade forces against DR Congo’s government troops guarantees Tutsi hegemony in the […]

Impunity Stops Here

Almost 20 years have passed since the Rwandan genocide, but finally two key perpetrators are facing consequences. Matthieu Ngirumpatse and Edouard Karemera had their day in court – and now their lives in prison. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda – a court established in Tanzania by United Nations resolution in November 1994 – has […]

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Welcome to End Impunity. A campaign to stop mass atrocities going unpunished, seek prosecution of the perpetrators, restore dignity to the victims, and provide healing to the affected communities.