Archive for the “Uganda” Category

Where Are They Now?: Okot Odhiambo

End Impunity’s “Where Are They Now?” series is almost at a close. Let’s end at the beginning, with some of the first indictments ever issued by the ICC in 2005 for five members of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda. We’ve discussed their leader, Joseph Kony – but Kony has cronies. One of them is Otok Odhiambo. It should […]

Where Are They Now?: Joseph Kony

Joseph Kony is no stranger to international attention. No mere one-hit wonder, Kony is wanted by the ICC on 33 counts, including charges for rape, murder, enslavement, and forced enlisting of child soldiers. Since the late 1980s, his Lord’s Resistance Army has massacred thousands – without any known political agenda. A member of the elite […]

Who is the LRA?

Do you really want to know?  If you want the horrible crimes it’s been committing for twenty five years to stop, you and all of us need to know, and we need to push the international community to act.  Indicted war criminal Joseph Kony leads this army, but it is more than one maniacal man.  […]

End Impunity in Utah

End Impunity Brigade member McKenna Powell distributed EI materials and spoke about the LRA at her art installation: “I was pretty quick to choose my topic, which was mostly sprouted by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a religious group that rebelled against the government of Uganda starting in 1987. Joseph Kony, a leader of the LRA, is still […]

Healing in Uganda

Joseph Kony, wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes agains humanity, has been terrorizing Northern Uganda and neighboring countries — including Sudan, Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo — since 1986. His crimes are large in scale. They are mass atrocities. Within the mass, though, there is the […]

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Welcome to End Impunity. A campaign to stop mass atrocities going unpunished, seek prosecution of the perpetrators, restore dignity to the victims, and provide healing to the affected communities.